Ruth Volkmann Art
R Volk - Acrylic Paintings - Modern-Primitive (house on stilts, boats, cats, people)

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I miss Ruthie all the time - she is someone in my 27 years of moving with the military that felt like home to me. I am thankful I was lucky enough to know her and she will always be someone I love very much. I remember the first time I saw her at the Kirkland Art Show. She just came back from Antartica and I said "wow - who is this amazing lady?" and just watched her in amazement!
Laura Cote' - 25 Feb 2017
Hello, Ruth, You were one of my wonderful art teachers, and ski team coach at Churchill High School, in Eugene, Oregon. That was in the early '70's! It was a long time ago, but you stand out as being great fun as a teacher/coach. I went on to study painting and printmaking at the Portland Museum Art School, and pursued a career in Graphic Design. Now, I have more recently been painting in oils again, and loving it. Glad to see you have pursued your passion in painting. They are delightful!
Sheri Jones-Gorman - 9 Oct 2014
Thankyou from a fellow artist.
Eliabeth Cameron - 21 Jun 2013
I love your work, my daughter-in-law owns a print of Ruths that is a water scene with a boathouse and mountains and of course the sun and beautiful white puffy clouds, I always threaten to take it when I go visit her. Pat Massie September 3, 2012
Pat Massie - 3 Sep 2012
I purchased a print "The Mountain" at the Freighthouse in Tacoma -- just fell in love with this artist, the colors and the simplicity of the work. Will continue to seek more of Ms. Volkmann's art -- it's a delight for the eyes!
Monika - 28 Dec 2011
Hi Ruth I have purchased a few of your works, "A evening Snack, One of the Lighthouses and one for my daughter of the cats watching the rain. I looked for you at the Art Festival this year but was unable to locate your booth. My daughter Jo is the one with the sustainable art gallery "Matter" in Olympia. I love your work and hope you are well! Susan
Susan Gallaugher - 22 Aug 2011
over 30 years ago i purchased "my friends would live here" at a small art gallery in edmonds.wa. it is still my favorite painting,and graces my home in maine.
ken pecci - 9 Mar 2011
We have purchased 2 of your paintings at a yard sale. The images are named "Images of Summer" painted in 1980. We just love the scenes. I come from the northwest. born and raised in The Dalles, Or. now living in Phoenix Az/ Do you have a gallery in the Portland area??? We will be coming home to visit this summer. Take care and keep painting we just love the bright colors and landscapes. Linda and Sil Herrera
Linda Herrera - 23 Feb 2011
Ruth is certainly one of my favorite artists. Knowing hr gives her paintings more meaning.
vernis Persoon - 21 Sep 2010
Congratulations Ruthie and Judie on the Website
Ann and Gale Dick - 22 Jun 2010

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